Roll Model® Method Practitioner Training

A 16-hour immersive self-myofascial massage certification training.

This course teaches evidence based self-myofascial release (self-massage) principles and practices to enhance mobility, reduce stress, transform pain, and build body awareness. It empowers you to personally adopt and teach simple yet highly effective self-care regimens for pain-relief and improved performance to individuals, groups, and special populations. 

The 2-day program features two contrasting days of science, creativity, programming and self-massage embodiment.

Saturday, July 26th | 11:30AM-7:30PM

Sunday, July 27th | 10:00AM - 6PM

Distinguish your teaching with self-myofascial release [SMFR] strategies.

This training empowers you to teach and personally adopt simple and effective SMFR regimes using Roll Model therapy balls. You will learn how to incorporate ball sequences into your teaching by introducing embodied anatomy concepts to your students or clients.

Highlights of the training

Integrate the power of soft-tool science for yourself and your clients using the Roll Model Method Therapy Balls. Explore pain-erasing, mobility-enhancing self-myofascial release techniques throughout the body. Systematically tour best practices for each part of the body and differentiate applications for a variety of clientele.

  • Refine your anatomical fluency of bony landmarks, muscular attachments, and the fascial seam-system

  • Learn the art and science of crafting test/retest scenarios to provide instant feedback of improved function or reduced pain

  • Improve classroom demonstration of Therapy Ball techniques with innovative sequences for all levels of student ability

  • Hands-off massage: provide touch averse clients with an empowered method using low cost, accessible tools to approach their self-care.

  • Integrate science with best practices: translate new fascia evidence into exploratory application for therapy and performance using the Roll Model Therapy Balls.

  • Discover body blind spots: identify and relieve areas of neglect to resolve chronic pain or movement restrictions.

This module is open to all levels of student/educator/clinician. There is no prerequisite to attend.

Required reading

  • The Roll Model: A Step-by-Step Guide to Erase Pain, Improve Mobility, and Live Better in Your Body by Jill Miller (Amazon or )

  • Trail Guide to the Body by Andrew Biel (or other anatomy books or Apps) (Amazon or )

  • Understanding Fascia and the Benefits of Myofascial Release by Heather Longoria:

Recommended reading 
Fascia: What it is and Why it Matters, second edition, by David Lesondak. (Handspring Publishing)

CEC credits are available with the following professional organizations: AFAA, NASM, IAYT, NPCP as well as Yoga Alliance. 

saturday, november 9th

The Science of Rolling


Introduction to the science of how and why self-massage works and the latest on fascial research, pain science and therapy ball applications for multiple populations. You will learn techniques to:

  • Skillfully lead classes through 6 step-by-step, proven, whole-body sequences—approved by physical therapists, pain medicine specialists, and chiropractors—that can affect positive changes in the rotator cuff, upper back, lower back, neck, jaw, hips, IT band and feet.

  • Maintain your body and prevent injuries using self-care strategies with the Yoga Tune Up therapy balls.

  • Identify bony landmarks, muscular attachments, and fascia geography to enhance your teaching and personal daily practice.

  • Deepen your understanding of pain physiology and how the therapy balls can help alleviate pain.

sunday, november 10th

Ball Sequencing + Innovation


Learn soft-tissue self-care solutions for every client and condition utilizing all four different sizes of Roll Model therapy balls. You will refine your teaching skills and discover how to craft innovative moves and sequences for any individual or community.

  • Explore self-myofascial release in areas of your body frequently over-used or overlooked, like the hands and knees, diaphragm and pelvic floor.

  • Working with others, you will improve classroom demonstration of therapy ball techniques and trouble-shoot pitfalls and challenges when presenting to beginners or more experienced students.

  • Learn the art of crafting test/retest scenarios for instant feedback of improved function or reduced pain.

  • Further refine your anatomical fluency of bony landmarks, muscular attachments, and the fascial seam-system through self-mapping strategies.


Regular Pricing - $595 (starting July 18th)

Early Bird Pricing: $550 (valid through July 17th)

Yoga Tune Up and Soma Yoga Teachers receive $50 off of the training. Please email to get your discount.

Space is limited. Refunds available up to 30 days prior to the training.

Registration includes the Roll Model Method Starter Kit, online access to the Massage Therapy Instructional Video

and the Roll Model Method Correspondence Course.