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Upcoming Events

  • Final Posture Lab

    This is Jill’s final Posture Lab until the fall!

    There are a whole bunch of shapes that involve deep flexion of the spine and curling in of the legs to create a "tuck" form, the theme for May. We'll ignite the abdominal muscles to create core compression and connect to the strength of the hip flexors to pull the thighs in close. Asana will include seated folds like Marichyasana, standing balances like "Flamingo", and potentially some inverted balances like Bakasana (Crane Pose) and a tuck/half-tuck handstand.

  • Community Class

    Please join NamaStay Sober every 3rd Saturday of the month for yoga and community in this gentle yoga class. There will be time for conversation based upon the 8 limbs of yoga. We will use the Yamas & Niyamas of the Yoga Sutras as a guide for self reflection and how we want to live our lives in an authentic and meaningful way.

  • Roll Model Method Training

    This training introduces the science of how and why self-massage using the Roll Model Method works, and offers the latest on fascial research, pain science, therapy ball applications for multiple populations, and creative strategies to craft your own effective therapy ball sequences for yourself and others.

    Early Bird Pricing ends May 22nd!!